Consumer Perspective

Before you begin posting on social media or before you do a complete overhaul of your social media practices, you do need to think about the buying journey from the consumer’s perspective.  

Showing up consistently on social media is crucial to your dental practice.  Not only do potential new patients find you this way, but they also develop a sense of understanding of who you are and what you offer.  By showing up consistently, you also show to your current and future patients your credibility in the field of dentistry.  

You must learn to establish a relationship with your audience and to clearly communicate how you can help them.  How can you help them?  

You want to sell without feeling sleezy- not sell sell sell…give VALUE but rather show how you can help people with their frustrations?  Do you offer Care Credit? If so, let them know!  Often times the cost of dental work seems limiting or constricting to patients.  Let them know the various options you have established in your practice for them.  Do you own a Cerec?  The idea of several time-consuming appointments can be a real turn-off for patients or even stops them from coming to you all together because of time constraints.

Another thing you can do from the consumer’s perspective, is start showing more of your before & afters of your dental work.  This nods to credibility and displays a portfolio of your work. Here is a gorgeous example of a before & after. 

At this point, you may be wondering how can people feel connected with YOU?  Our best advice is to meet people where they are at. Our tips for this are:

  1.  Get clear on what makes you buy as a customer – look at the customer journey from their point of view.
  2.  Brainstorm content ideas for your business.
  3.  Create a 90-day content plan being sure to incorporate the suggestions we gave above!  Here’s a blog that will help you along there.

Have you had any amazing buying experiences?  Try to remember what they were, what stuck out to you, and implement them into your practice.  If you find yourself getting stuck, here’s a great book to help you along by Joey Coleman.  Joey Coleman, “Never Lose a Customer Again”

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